Smart Locks

Smart Locks changing technology – Are we moving with changing times? Why, the delay in acceptance?

Smart Locks gaining popularity

Smart Locks changing technology- Are we moving with changing times? Why the delay in acceptance?


Taking this opportunity to address a nagging issue in my mind – TECHNOLOGY in our day to day life! Exasperating, isn’t it? Are we intimidated by technology all around us? Why are we still in fear of it?

With Technology advancing faster than we can perceive, do we have much of a choice? Are we not enjoying the several pleasures we gain with the technological advancements? Technology has intruded our lives to as far as our eyes and feet can take us. Starting from, the lights in our room, to the Televisions, Computers, Phones, Tooth Brushes, Clocks, Coffee Machines, Ovens, Cars, Aeroplanes and the list goes on.

It’s interesting to know how, we all take our own time to adopt technology but reap similar benefits eventually, each one of us benefiting in more ways than 1.

Quoting an article from the Harvard Business review

It took 30 years for electricity and 25 years for telephones to reach 10% adoption but less than five years for tablet devices to achieve the 10% rate.  It took an additional 39 years for telephones to reach 40% penetration and another 15 before they became ubiquitous.  Smart phones, on the other hand, accomplished a 40% penetration rate in just 10 years, if we time the first smart phone’s introduction from the 2002 shipment of the first BlackBerry that could make phone calls and the first Palm-OS-powered Treo model.

Smart Locks changing technology

Talking of adopting technology, we all are aware how the ascent of CDs happened from cassettes and finally even the CDs have dwindled over time, owing to the advent of the DiscMan, then eventually to the iPOD.

The intention of innovation & invention, has always been to improvise and eventually to add convenience to our lifestyles. Then, why should we stick to the basic – lock and key mechanism for our doors? Isn’t it primarily for the reason of familiarity,  more than just security and reliability!

Smart Locks Market to Grow to a staggering 13.9% by 2025

More recently, than not, the field of Smart Locks is fast gaining popularity, especially in the regions of North America (being the largest market for Smart Locks), Europe, the APAC region, and the LAMEA region. Slowly, but surely, Middle East is catching on! Individuals and organizations are preferring to go with electronic door locks for a variety of different reasons, but it all eventually boils down to matters of security, convenience and affordability.

While electronic door locks are still more common in Hotels, they are fast catching on with commercial set ups and gradually with residences.

As per the Security Sales & Integration report the global electronic lock market “is forecasted to exceed $3 billion by 2025 and post a 13.9% compound annual growth rate through 2025.”

With the never ending co-ordination in our busy, stressful lives, technology appears to be a BOON! Technology does simplify our lifestyle, leaving spare time for other cherish able moments.

Let us know, which technological advancement, has changed your life?




