Smart Locks Smart Locks for Holiday Homes

Smart Locks for Airbnb/holiday homes/rental properties

Smart Locks for Airbnb

Smart Locks for Airbnb/holiday homes/rental properties. What’s your preference or expectation for a smart door lock for your property?

Here’s a comprehensive checklist that could be a starting point on what one would want from a smart lock…


  • The lock should be easy to use
  • It should be able to enhance a customer’s user experience
  • If I have multiple properties to manage, I should be able to manage the locks from 1 single platform/dashboard
  • With a unique pincode, my guest should be able to unlock the lock
  • As a manager/owner of the lock, I should be able to see a log of entry and exits (i.e how many times did someone enter my propoerty and how many times did they exit)
  • The pincode should be timed. It should work as a scheduled key for the duration of stay, for my guest.
  • I should have the flexibility to send a passcode remotely from anywhere and at anytime to my client
  • I should get a notification/update on the battery consumption of my lock/s
  • The lock should have an emergency key
  • The lock should be inviolable (tamper-proof)
  • The lock should be able to integrate with my Property rental dashboard
  • Last but not the least, it should be compatible with a voice assistant – Google Home/Alexa

The next burning question that arises is – what are my options?

So, here’s our list to consider, depending on the budget and limitation to be able to modify the door for an installation.


It works with Euro-profile doors, thus can easily replace the mechanical key cylinders. The installation is a swift 1-minute process and the next few minutes can be spent downloading the Oji Smart app, followed by configuring the lock with your smartphone app. The whole process to set up the lock and the app takes about 5 minutes.

All the features listed in our checklist above, are fulfilled by the Oji Code+ smart lock.

The next lock to consider is the Oji XT8 smart door lock.

Oji XT8 smart door lock

This lock requires a skilled installation and would ideally replace the existing mechanical key cylinder and handle on an existing door.

The features that the Oji XT8 offers, in addition to the above checklist, are the auto-locking function and fingerprint. Fingerprint offers a great advantage for the administrative staff as they neither need to use the phone to unlock the property nor a pin code. Instead, if they are frequenting a property often, they can conveniently place their finger on the handle to unlock instantly.

Yet another go-to lock to consider is the Oji XT4 smart door lock.

Oji XT4 smart door lock

This lock also requires installation by a skilled team. It comes with its own lock mortise which needs to be installed with the lock onto the door.

The features that the Oji XT4 offers, in addition to the above checklist, are the auto-locking function, fingerprint, and an in-built doorbell. Just as in the Oji XT8, the fingerprint offers a great advantage for the administrative staff as they neither need to use the phone to unlock the property nor a pin code. Instead, if they are frequenting a property often, they can conveniently place their finger on the handle to unlock instantly.

Oji A3 smart door lock is yet another installed lock with auto-locking but no fingerprint. The rest of the features are the same as the Oji XT8.

What else would you require from a smart door lock for your property? Please share your comments and experiences.


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